Collection of The Lost Poetical Poetry
Written Originally By Herman Nz
Lost Poetical Poetry adalah sebuah Collection of Poetical Poetry yang lebih mengedepankan aspek Realistic tanpa meninggalkan aspek idealistic. Bisa ditemukan diantara percampuran keduanya .. sehingga membuahkan kengerian, asmara, pengharapan dan bahkan sedu-sedan ...
Dengan Lost Poetry, kami berharap, Anda menemukan aspek lain dari sudut Simple Contemporer Poetry tapi penuh gejolak.
Herman Nz
Love Shutdown
"Love shutdown
As I pull it down
rising up the sky
stand cool enough and found
Under the OAK tree
So calm but warm
dies in memories
sweeping the river
like I was telling you at that time
killing me softly like the song
waiting for you ..."